The Hakone Open-Air Museum 箱根の森美術館
The Hakone Open-Air Museum, located in Hakone town in Kanagawa Prefecture, was opened in 1969. It features outdoor displays and works of arts and open spaces are popular. Within the sculptures that are displayed in the vast venue, there are some unique artworks to which many people can enjoy. In addition, there is also a Picasso Pavilion on the premises, which collects the works of Spanish artist Pablo Picasso. According to the survey by TripAdvisor in 2017, Hakone Open-Air Museum is the ninth most popular sightseeing spot among the foreign visitors to Japan.
ネイティブの先生がピカソについて面白いエピソードを教えてくれた。ピカソはお産の時に死産と思われ、皆があきらめかけていた。しかし、その場にいたおじさんが煙草の煙を吹きかけたところ、それに反応して命を取り戻したという話だった。ググってみると Sleek Magazine のサイトに元ネタがあった。
A cigar gave him life
When Pablo Picasso was born, he was so weak that the midwife thought he was stillborn. His uncle, who was a doctor in the room at the time, was smoking a cigar. He blew smoke into the infant Picasso’s face, to which he reacted with “a grimace and a bellow of fury”, proving that he was very much alive.
“10 Awesome Facts About Pablo Picasso” Sleek Magazine