Welcome to my blog

My name is Sat. I live in Hokkaido, Japan.
When I was young, I wanted to see the world, so I quit my job, moved to France, and traveled around Europe and North Africa. It is embarrassing to say, but as I met many people and various cultures, I realized that I knew nothing about the history and culture of Japan.
After returning to Japan, I became a teacher and have continued to learn while teaching children in my busy daily work life for more than 20 years.
Recently, I have become a National Government Licensed Guide Interpreter and I would like to introduce the wonderful history and culture of Japan to people of the world.
I never thought it would be so difficult to express my country’s traditions and culture in English! There may be some wrong expressions, but I will try to learn one by one while remembering how I felt when I was a student. I would be happy if you feel free to ask me any questions or make any comments. See ya!