Colored Carp 錦鯉
Nishikigoi is a general term for Koi carp (Cyprinus carpio) varieties that have been improved for ornamental fish. The colorful body color is referred to as Nishiki. In Niigata Prefecture, Japan, breeding and aquaculture have evolved, and imports to various parts of Japan and overseas exports have progressed. The Koi carp is also called “living jewel” or “swimming work of art”.
錦鯉は、 観賞魚用に改良したコイ(Cyprinus carpio) の品種の総称です。色鮮やかな体色が錦にたとえられた。日本の新潟県で品種改良や養殖が進み、国内各地への移入や海外輸出が進みました。「生きた宝石」「泳ぐ芸術品」とも呼ばれています。