HOKKAIDO part2 北海道 その2
From the north to the south, the Teshio, Kitami, Ishikari, and Hidaka mountain ranges run through the center of Hokkaido. The Daisetsu Mountains, with Asahidake (2,291m) as its highest peak, are known as the “roof of Hokkaido”. The Ishikari, Tokachi, and Teshio Plains, as well as the Nayoro, Kamikawa, and Furano Basins, are spread throughout Hokkaido, amongst other smaller plains. It is also home to some of Japan’s most famous marshlands, such as Kushiro Marsh and Sarobetsu Plain. There are more than 14,700 rivers, the qualities of which are maintained at a good level by the constant monitoring conducted by the provincial government. Many of the water bodies have been ranked in the top five in the national BOD (Biochemical Oxygen Demand) ranking compiled by the Ministry of the Environment. The area belongs to the Chishima and Nasu volcanic belts, where there are many beautiful caldera lakes, which have become tourist attractions. The most famous are Lake Kussharo, the largest caldera lake in Japan, Lake Mashu with its high transparency, and Lake Akan, where marimo grows.