翻訳ツール DeepL
DeepLはドイツのケルン市のDeepL Gmbhが展開する翻訳サービスです。私はオンライン英会話の先生(大学の先生)から教えていただきました。その先生曰く、機械翻訳としては一番正確で信頼できる!ということでしたので、早速チェックして使ってみました。


DeepL is a translation service run by DeepL Gmbh in Cologne, Germany. I learned about it from my online English teacher (a university professor). He said it was the most accurate and reliable machine translation! So I immediately checked it out and tried it out.
My impression is that it is very convenient because you can just throw in a document and it will translate the whole document. Even the free version has some limitations, but I found it useful enough if you don’t use it a lot. You can also create your own glossary and customize the translation.
In addition to the website, there are also Mac and iOS versions of the app (there is also a windows version). I often create documents on a Mac, so having a desktop app for Mac is a great help.
When you launch the Mac version of the application, a window like the one above will open. Throw your text into the “Source Language” box on the left. It will automatically recognize it as Japanese. On the right side, you can choose from a variety of languages for “Translated text. Here I have chosen English (US).
When you enter the above sentence, the English translation will appear immediately. It also has a read aloud function. I’ve downloaded the iOS version and it’s just as easy to use, but when the text gets long, it’s better to work on a Mac.
At a glance, the translation looks very natural and there seems to be almost nothing to fix. I think it’s pretty amazing. I used to use Google’s translation when translating between Japanese and English, but from now on, I think I will mainly use DeepL and compose in Japanese -> DeepL -> have it checked by a native English teacher.