• 01 Japanese History

    #19 The Sengoku Period

    Click here to go to the YouTube video This Episode 19 is about the Sengoku Period. For about 100 years, Warlords fought each other all over the country. 19回目は戦国時代についてです。およそ100年間、日本中で武将たちが戦った時代です。 In the 15th century, the people repeatedly revolted, and there was a widespread movement to force the shogunate and local feudal lords to recognize their demands. 15世紀になると民衆が繰り返し反乱を起こし、幕府や各地の大名に自分たちの要求を認めさせる動きが広まりました。 The power of the Muromachi Shogunate in Kyoto weakened, and a trend of “Gekokujo,” in which a lower-ranking person overcame a higher-ranking person by force and took his position, spread throughout society. 京都の室町幕府の力が弱まり、下位の者が上位の者に実力で打ち勝ち地位を奪う「下剋上」の風潮が社会全体に広まっていったのです。 In Kyoto, the Onin War broke out in 1467 over the succession of the shogun. The war lasted more than 10…