• 02 Japanese Culture

    Takayama Festival 高山祭

    You can hear the sounds of bells and drums twice a year in spring and autumn in Takayama City, Gifu Prefecture. The Autumn Takayama Festival which is held in October is an annual festival of the Sakurayama Hachimangu Shrine. As Takayama developed as a castle town, rich townspeople who had accumulated money built glittering floats in order to show off and compete with each other. Visitors can enjoy seeing the elaborate sculptures and karakuri dolls, or mechanical dolls, which have been installed on the floats. 岐阜県高山市に春と秋の年2回、鐘や太鼓の音が響きます。10月の「秋の高山祭」は、櫻山八幡宮(さくらやまはちまんぐう)の例祭。高山が城下町として発展する中で財力を蓄えた町人たちが、きらびやかな屋台を競い合うように造りました。訪れた人々は精巧な彫刻やからくり人形を見て楽しむことができます。