• 02 Japanese Culture

    Sushi 寿司

    Sushi is a Japanese dish, which is popular in Japan and abroad. There are various types of sushi such as Nigiri-zushi (vinegared rice held in a small oval shape and seafood on top) , Maki-zushi (rolled-sushi with seafood and vegetables in vinegared rice wrapped in seaweed) , Chirashi-zushi (vinegared rice in a bowl, topped with seafood, vegetables and an omelet cut into narrow strips). 寿司は日本でも海外でも人気のある日本料理です。酢飯を小さく楕円形に握り、その上に魚介類を載せた握り寿司、酢飯の中に魚介類や野菜を入れて海苔で巻いた巻き寿司、お椀に酢飯を盛り、その上に魚介類や野菜、錦糸卵などを散らしたちらし寿司など、さまざまな種類があります。