• 02 Japanese Culture

    Aizome-Japanese Indigo Dyeing 藍染め

    Aizome, indigo dyeing, has been loved by Japanese people for a long time. The number one production site in Japan is the Yoshino river region in Tokushima prefecture. Indigo dyes vividly on any cloth, so it has been widely used from kimonos to washcloths. As time goes by its color seems to deepen and become more vibrant. It is a dyeing process where people can enjoy the changing colors. 藍染めは古くから日本人に愛されてきました。日本一の生産地は徳島県吉野川流域です。藍はどんな布でも鮮やかに染まるため、着物から手ぬぐいまで幅広く用いられてきました。月日が経つごとに、深みのある色に変わる藍染めは、まさに生き物です。時とともに、移ろいゆく色の変化を楽しむ染め物です。