Sumo 相撲
Sumo is a Japanese national sport in which two wrestlers compete in the ring, called dohyo. The fight is over when one wrestler pushes the other one out of the dohyo or puts any part of the body except for the rear side of the feet on the ground. The highest rank of wrestlers are called Yokozuna and the second highest are called Ozeki. Watching sumo is very popular. Grand tournaments are held six times a year in different cities.
私の場合、ネイティブの先生に直してもらうのが一番多いのが冠詞です。例えば、The fight is over when one wrestler pushes the other one out of the dohyo or puts any part of the body except for the rear side of the feet on the ground.の1文に定冠詞のtheを7つ使っていますが、赤色のtheはすべて先生に直してもらった箇所です。一通り文法も勉強したつもりで、説明を聞くとなんとなくそうかなあと思いますが、実際に自分が使う場面になるとイマイチわかりません。まだまだ勉強が足りませんね。