• 06 Miscellaneous

    NPR Tiny Desk Concerts

    NPR ( National Public Radio ) はアメリカの非営利の放送ネットワークです。本部はワシントンD.C.にあります。ニュースや音楽などさまざまな内容を配信しています。 NPR ( National Public Radio ) is an American non-profit broadcasting network. The headquarters are located in Washington, D.C. and it provides a variety of content, including news and music. NPR is an independent, nonprofit media organization that was founded on a mission to create a more informed public. Every day, NPR connects with millions of Americans on the air, online, and in person to explore the news, ideas, and what it means to be human. Through its network of member stations, NPR makes local stories national, national stories local, and global stories personal. About NPR より NPRのプログラムの一つに tiny desk concerts という素晴らしい音楽番組があります。 “Tiny…