• 01 Japanese History

    #22 NOBUNAGA, Charisma of Japanese history

    Click here to go to the YouTube video In the late 16th century, a charismatic figure emerged in the Sengoku period. Oda Nobunaga. 16世紀の後半、戦国時代のカリスマが登場しました。織田信長です。 Oda Nobunaga was a feudal lord in the relatively small Owari region (present-day Aichi Prefecture). When he was young, he was called an “Idiot”. He was regarded as an eccentric who lacked common sense. 織田信長は比較的小さな尾張(現在の愛知県)の戦国大名です。若い頃は「うつけもの」と呼ばれ、常識のない変わり者と思われていたようです。 It was at the Battle of Okehazama that Nobunaga made his name known throughout Japan. He used his superior strategy to defeat Imagawa Yoshimoto of Suruga (Shizuoka Prefecture) with only a small force. Nobunaga then entered Kyoto in 1573, ousted the Shogun, and destroyed the Muromachi Shogunate. 信長がその名を世に知らしめたのが桶狭間の戦いでした。彼は卓越した戦術によって少ない兵力で駿河(静岡県)の今川義元を打ち破ったのです。信長はその後1573年に京へ上り、将軍を追い出して室町幕府を滅亡させました。 Nobunaga’s name was…