• 02 Japanese Culture

    Engaku-ji Temple 円覚寺

    Engaku-ji Temple, located in Kamakura City, Kanagawa Prefecture, was built during the Kamakura period in the 13th century. Located in the back of the precincts Shariden, or a reliquary hall, is a masterpiece of the architectural style “Zenshu-yo” that was introduced from China along with Zen Buddhism, and is designated as a national treasure. Zen Buddhism values simplicity, so there are no vibrant colors or noticeable sculptures. It expresses a plain, simple and sturdy beauty that is familiar to Zen teachings. 神奈川県鎌倉市にある円覚寺は13世紀の鎌倉時代に創建されました。境内の奥に位置する舎利殿は、禅宗とともに中国から伝わった建築様式「禅宗様」の傑作で、国宝に指定されています。禅宗は簡潔さを重んじるため、派手な色や目立つ彫刻はありません。禅の教えに通じる飾り気のない質実剛健な美を醸し出しています。