• 02 Japanese Culture

    Covid-19 Pandemic コロナ禍

    The new coronavirus infection has spread all over the world since the infection was reported in Wuhan, China in December 2019, and the cumulative number of infected people exceeded 100 million in January 2021. Infection spread in Japan, a state of emergency was declared, and the economy was seriously damaged. The government is calling on people to avoid the Three Cs , Closed spaces with poor ventilation, Crowded places with many people nearby, Close-contact settings such as face-face meetings, because the coronavirus increases the risk of infection in such situations. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, people’s lifestyles have changed drastically, for example the increase in remote working. 新型コロナウィルス感染症は2019年12月に中国の武漢市で感染者が報告されて以来、世界中に広がり、2021年1月には累計の感染者数が1億人を超えました。我が国でも感染が拡大し、緊急事態宣言が出され、経済にも深刻な打撃を与えました。コロナウィルスは3密と呼ばれる密閉空間、密集場所、密接場面で感染リスクが高まることから、政府は人々に3密を避ける呼びかけをしています。コロナ禍により、テレワークの促進など、人々の生活様式は大きく変わりました。