NPR Tiny Desk Concerts
NPR ( National Public Radio ) はアメリカの非営利の放送ネットワークです。本部はワシントンD.C.にあります。ニュースや音楽などさまざまな内容を配信しています。
NPR ( National Public Radio ) is an American non-profit broadcasting network. The headquarters are located in Washington, D.C. and it provides a variety of content, including news and music.
NPR is an independent, nonprofit media organization that was founded on a mission to create a more informed public. Every day, NPR connects with millions of Americans on the air, online, and in person to explore the news, ideas, and what it means to be human. Through its network of member stations, NPR makes local stories national, national stories local, and global stories personal.
About NPR より
NPRのプログラムの一つに tiny desk concerts という素晴らしい音楽番組があります。
“Tiny desk concerts” is one of its wonderful music programs.
このビデオ配信シリーズは、 NPR の “All Songs Considered” というコーナーを担当している Bob Boilen とNPR音楽プロデューサーの Sephen Thompson が2008年にオースティン(テキサス州)でフォークシンガー Laura Gibson の歌を聴きに行ったときに会場がうるさくて歌が聴こえなかったことから、このコーナーのデスクに彼女を呼んでライブをやってしまおうと思いついて始まったそうです。下は記念すべき第1回 Laura Gibson のパフォーマンスです。
This video series was created by Bob Boilen, who runs NPR’s “All Songs Considered” segment, and NPR music producer Stephen Thompson. In 2008 they went to hear folk singer Laura Gibson sing in Austin, Texas, and found the venue too noisy to hear her, so they decided to invite her to perform at the desk of their studio. That was the beginning of the show.
この番組の魅力はミュージシャンたちがあたかも自分の目の前でライブ演奏しているような intimacy(親近感)を感じられることです。しかも登場するのは誰もが認める実力派ばかり!
Wikipedia でこれまで登場したミュージシャンたちの一覧が見れます。大物がズラリ。
The appeal of this program is that you can feel the intimacy of the musicians as if they are performing live right in front of you. You can see a list of the musicians who have appeared on the show on Wikipedia. They are all talented and big-name musicians.
まず大好きなバンド、Tedeschi Trucks Band です。Derek Trucks のギターも Susan Tedeschi の歌も、バンドの演奏も、すべてがかっこいい! 配信は2016年3月。アルバム “Let Me Get By”のナンバーから、”Just As Strange”, “Don’t Know What It Is”, “Anyhow”の3曲。アルバムバージョンも良いけど、こっちの方が気持ちが爆上がりです。いつか北海道に来てほしい!
Let me introduce you to a few of my favorite musicians who have appeared on the show. First is my favorite band, the Tedeschi Trucks Band. Derek Trucks’ guitar, Susan Tedeschi’s singing, the band’s playing, everything is so cool! The episode they appeared on was released in March 2016. The songs are from the album “Let Me Get By”, including “Just As Strange”, “Don’t Know What It Is”, and “Anyhow”. The album versions are good, but these ones are more uplifting. I hope they come to Hokkaido someday!
次は Adrianne Lenker です。バンド Big Thief の人ですがソロ活動もしていて、この回ではキャンピングトレーラーで演奏しています。繊細で独創的で素晴らしいシンガーです。2020年11月配信。収録曲:”zombie girl”, “two reverse”, “dragon eyes”, “anything”, “ingydar”
Next up is Adrianne Lenker. She’s from the band Big Thief, but is also a solo artist. In this episode she’s performing in a camping trailer. She is a sensitive, original, and wonderful singer. She performed the songs: “zombie girl”, “two reverse”, “dragon eyes”, “anything”, and “ingydar”.
最後にもうひとつ。Common です。この回は White House Library で収録され 2016年10月に配信されました。素晴らしいパフォーマンスで、また、Robert Glasper のキーボードも印象的です。収録曲:”I Used To Love H.E.R.”, “Letter To The Free”, “The Day The Women Took Over”, “Little Chicago Boy”
Lastly, we have Common. Their performance was recorded at the White House Library and delivered in October 2016. It’s a great performance, and Robert Glasper’s keyboards are impressive. They performed the songs: “I Used To Love H.E.R.”, “Letter To The Free”, “The Day The Women Took Over”, and “Little Chicago Boy”.
現在はパンデミックのため Home Concert という形で配信しています。こんな番組が日本にもあったらいいなと思います。
Currently, due to the pandemic, the show is being distributed as a Home Concert as the performers cannot gather in the studio. I wish there was a program like this in Japan. Thank you for reading.

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