• 01 Japanese History

    #12 The Rise & Fall of The Taira Clan

    Click here to go to the YouTube video The theme of this topic is the rise and fall of the Taira clan. Let us look at how the samurai era began. 今回のテーマは平家の盛衰です。サムライの時代がどのように始まったのか見ていきましょう。 From the middle of the 11th century, the emperors had an active movement to regain power from the aristocratic Fujiwara clan. Emperor Go-Sanjo was not closely related to the Fujiwara. He organized the manors and took control of the public domain. And it damaged the aristocrats. 11世紀の半ばから、天皇家は貴族の藤原氏から力を取り戻そうとします。後三条天皇は藤原氏との関係が薄く、荘園や公領を整理し、貴族にダメージを与えました。 The next emperor, Shirakawa, gave up the imperial throne to his young son and became a “Joko”, or retired emperor. It allowed him to govern freely. This was called “Insei”, or…

  • 01 Japanese History

    #11 The Emergence Of The Samurai

    Click here to go to the YouTube video The topic of this time is the emergence of the samurai. How did the samurai gain power in the aristocrat-centered Heian period? 今回のトピックは武士の登場です。貴族中心の平安時代、武士はどのように力をつけていったのでしょうか。 In the 10th century, as the Ritsuryo system loosened, local politics changed. Provincial governors rode horses and armed themselves to collect taxes, and peasants and wealthy families also armed themselves to oppose them. 10世紀、律令制度がゆるむにしたがい、地方の政治は変わりました。国司は馬に乗り、武装して税を取り立て、農民や豪族も武装して国司に対抗するようになりました。 In the capital, the Imperial Court recruited low-ranking nobles and others as military officers and put them in charge of guarding the capital as samurai. In this way, warriors specializing in the martial arts were born, and gradually a group of warriors led by a…