• 01 Japanese History

    #18 Pirates of the East

    Click here to go to the YouTube video In this Episode 18: The Pirates of the East, we will look at trades in East Asia around the 14th and 15th centuries. エピソード18は「東アジアの海賊」です。14から15世紀の東アジアの貿易の様子をみてみましょう。 In the 14th century, pirates known as “Wako“, became active. Using islands in Nagasaki as their bases, they smuggled goods in and out of Japan and attacked the Korean Peninsula and the coast of China. 14世紀には「倭寇」として知られる海賊の活動が活発になりました。長崎の島々を拠点として密貿易をしたり、朝鮮半島や中国沿岸を襲ったりしました。 At first, Wako was mainly Japanese, but later Chinese and Korean pirates became the main players. They were large armed forces and became pains in the neck to the Ming and Korean governments. In China, Zhu Yuanzhang founded the Ming Dynasty and…