• 01 Japanese History

    #13 The Kamakura Shogunate

    Click here to go to the YouTube video The theme of this episode is the establishment of the Kamakura shogunate. After winning the battle against the Taira clan, the Minamoto clan established a samurai government in Kamakura. 今回のテーマは鎌倉幕府の成立です。平氏との戦いに勝利した後、源氏が鎌倉に武士の政権を樹立しました。 After the fall of the Taira clan in 1185, Minamoto no Yoshitsune, a war hero, became a popular figure at the Imperial Court in Kyoto. Minamoto no Yoritomo, who was trying to set up a political system in Kamakura, opposed Yoshitsune. Yoritomo pressured the Imperial Court and obtained the right to place “Shugo” and “Jito” to capture Yoshitsune. 1185年に平氏が滅ぶと、源義経はいくさの英雄として京都の朝廷でもてはやされました。鎌倉で政治基盤を固めようとしていた源頼朝は義経と対立しました。頼朝は朝廷に圧力をかけ、義経をとらえる目的で「守護」と「地頭」をおく権利を獲得しました。 “Shugo” was a position that Yoritomo placed in each province. They were in…