• 02 Japanese Culture

    KARATSU 唐津

    Karatsu is a town facing the Genkai Sea, northwest of Saga Prefecture in Kyushu. Karatsu ware, which is said to have been introduced by potters on the Korean Peninsula during the time of Toyotomi Hideyoshi in the 16th century, has strength in its simplicity. “Karatsu Kunchi”, which dates back to about 400 years, is an autumn festival at Karatsu Shrine. The Yobuko Morning Market, which sells everything from fresh seafood from the nearby sea to pottery, is famous nationwide. 唐津市は、九州佐賀県の北西、玄界灘に面した町です。16世紀の豊臣秀吉の時代に朝鮮半島の陶工たちが伝えたとも言われる「唐津焼」は素朴さの中に力強さを秘めています。およそ400年の歴史をもつ「唐津くんち」は唐津神社の秋祭り。近郊の海でとれた新鮮な海の幸から焼き物まで商われる「呼子(よぶこ)の朝市」は全国的にも有名です。