• 01 Japanese History

    #15 The Kamakura Culture

    Click here to go to the YouTube video This episode is about Kamakura Culture. Let’s take a look at what kind of culture was born in the Kamakura period. 今回のエピソードは鎌倉文化です。鎌倉時代にはどのような文化が生まれたのか見ていきましょう。 Nandaimon Gate of Todaiji Temple is a building representative of the Kamakura Culture. Todaiji Temple in Nara was burned down during the Genpei War but was rebuilt with donations from warriors and the people. The Kongorikishi statues were installed in this Nandaimon Gate. The artists were Unkei and Kaikei. The statues express the strength that flourished in the samurai spirit. 東大寺南大門は鎌倉文化を代表する建築物です。奈良の東大寺は源平合戦の間に焼かれましたが、武士や民衆の寄付により再建されました。この南大門には金剛力士像が設置されています。作者は運慶と快慶です。この像には武士の気風を反映しした力強さが表されています。 In the field of literature, the military chronicle “The Tale of the Heike” was created. It was sung by…