• 01 Japanese History

    #14 The Jokyu War

    Click here to go to the YouTube video This episode is about the Jokyu War. After the death of Minamoto no Yoritomo, the Kamakura Shogunate was plunged into crisis. 今回は承久の乱についてです。源頼朝の死後、鎌倉幕府は危機に陥りました。 After Yoritomo’s death, his children were appointed as the second and third shoguns. However, both were assassinated amid political turmoil, and Yoritomo’s bloodline was cut off. 頼朝の死後、その子どもたちが2代目と3代目の将軍となりましたが、政治的混乱の中で二人は暗殺されてしまいます。そして頼朝の血筋は途絶えました。 In Kyoto, Joko Go-Toba sought to reassert the power of the Imperial Court. When the Minamoto shoguns ceased to exist, Joko Go-Toba sent an army to Kamakura to overthrow the Shogunate. The warriors of the Kamakura Shogunate were unsettled. 京都では、後鳥羽上皇が朝廷の力を回復しようとしていました。源氏の将軍が途絶えると、後鳥羽上皇は幕府を倒そうと鎌倉に兵を送りました。幕府の侍たちは動揺しました。 At this time, the real power of the shogunate was in the hands…