• 01 Japanese History

    #08 The Heian Period

    Click here to go to the YouTube video This time, let’s take a look at the Heian period. The Heian period is about 400 years from the time the capital of Japan was moved to Kyoto until the establishment of the samurai government in Kamakura. In Nara’s Heijo-Kyo Capital, there was a power struggle between aristocrats and monks. Emperor Kammu decided to move the capital in an attempt to reorganize the government. He moved the capital to Nagaoka-Kyo in 784, and then in 794, he built Heian-Kyo in present-day Kyoto. The capital of Japan was Kyoto until 1868 when it was moved to present-day Tokyo. Emperor Kammu appointed Sakanoue-no-Tamuramaro as…