• 01 Japanese History

    #20 The Muromachi Culture

    Click here to go to the YouTube video In this episode, we will look at the culture of the Muromachi period. 今回は室町時代の文化を見ていきましょう。 Since the shogunate was located in Kyoto, the shogun and other warriors became familiar with the culture of the court nobles. 幕府が京都に置かれたことから、将軍や武家たちは貴族の文化に親しむようになりました。 Kinkaku, or the Golden Pavilion built by Ashikaga Yoshimitsu in Kitayama, Kyoto, is a symbolic building that blends the cultures of the nobles and the samurai. 足利義満によって京都の北山に建てられた金閣は、公家の文化と武家の文化が融合した象徴的な建物です。 Noh is a performing art that was largely developed by Kan’ami and Zeami, who were supported by Yoshimitsu. Zeami wrote “Fushikaden”, or “Flowering Spirit,” a theoretical book on Noh. 能は、義満の保護を受けた観阿弥と世阿弥が大成した舞台芸術です。世阿弥は能の理論書である『風姿花伝』を著しました。 Kyogen, a comedy, was performed between the acts of…