• 01 Japanese History

    #17 Two Imperial Courts

    Click here to go to the YouTube video This episode is about the period of two Imperial Courts. The Kamakura Shogunate had fallen and the country was in turmoil. 今回は2つの朝廷の時代(南北朝時代)についてです。鎌倉幕府が崩壊し、混乱の時代となりました。 After winning the battles against Yuan, the dissatisfaction of many samurais against the government increased because the Kamakura shogunate could not provide sufficient rewards to the warriors. 元との戦いに勝利した後、十分な恩賞を与えない鎌倉幕府に対する武士たちの不満が高まりました。 In Kyoto, Emperor Godaigo was looking for a chance to overthrow the Kamakura Shogunate. With the cooperation of influential warriors like Ashikaga Takauji, Nitta Yoshisada, and Kusunoki Masashige, Emperor Godaigo succeeded to destroy the Kamakura Shogunate in 1333. 京都では後醍醐天皇が鎌倉幕府打倒のチャンスを伺っていましたが、足利尊氏、新田義貞、楠木正成などの有力な武士たちの協力を得て、1333年、鎌倉幕府の打倒に成功しました。 Emperor Godaigo started a new emperor-centered government in Kyoto. His political reform is…